Helpful Advice for Cleaning Leather and Suede

While we don’t always want to admit it, we’re very much an image-driven society. And as such, what we wear is always a major concern for us. Materials such as leather and sued are synonymous with luxury and style and allow us to exhibit our refined tastes. But, these materials also need to be cleaned a certain way. If part of your wardrobe consists of clothes made from either one of these, we’re here to offer some helpful tips for when they need to be cleaned. 

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Cleaning Your Leather 

One of the first things you should do when getting ready to clean your leather is to give it a proper dusting. Because of its unique surface, dust tends to collect on leather when it hasn’t been touched for a lengthy period of time. Once the dust has been removed, you might want to consider a special leather cleaning solution to condition the surface. Be sure to seek out a treatment that’s made for the type of leather you own, or you run the risk of causing damage to the surface. If your leather clothing has been sitting for longer than usual and has acquired a musky odor, you can remove it with the use of vinegar. Be sure to look over the material thoroughly; a bad odor could also mean the presence of mildew or mold. 

Cleaning Your Suede 

Washing suede is a slightly different affair than leather. For instance, washing your suede clothing too often can lead to deterioration and irreparable damage. To avoid this, it’s recommended that you go over the surface of your suede clothes with a brush from time to time to remove any dirt or dust that’s accumulated. For stains, blot the affected area with a paper towel with minimal pressure. Suppose you find yourself needing to give your suede clothes a more thorough cleaning. In that case, there are treatments available, and having them done by a professional dry cleaning service can minimize the risk of any damage taking place. 

Taking Care of Fabrics with Oak Neck Cleaners

When it comes to the articles in your wardrobe that require a skilled hand, the experts at Oak Neck Cleaners are here to be of assistance. We can even pick up and deliver your clothes and have them tailored as well. We’re the place to go for all of your needs. For more information, visit us online at