Category: Blog

Your Guide to Tailoring

Looking good in well-fitted clothing is both a boost to your confidence but can also be a way to offer a good first impression in business or your personal life. Clothing which is too large or small will make you appear either unkempt or unprofessional. A good tailor can help you get the proper fit from your wardrobe because even good clothing may not fit you properly.

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Utilize a Laundry Pickup Service This Month!

Is pickup laundry service a “fancy” option reserved for the wealthy? In the past, perhaps you associated this option with the rich and famous, but today, the service is available to all. Having a laundry pickup service might help you save a lot of time, aggravation, and stress.  Plus, you might like the job the laundry service does better than your own work!

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The Prom is Coming!

Prom is one of the biggest nights of a teen’s life. Purchasing a prom dress can be a big expense, but there are ways to save money when preparing for the big night. One way to save money on a prom dress is by purchasing a used prom dress. You can find beautiful and affordable dresses at used clothing stores or on resale websites. Buying a used prom dress is one way to stand out and express your individual style, whether you opt for a unique dress, a vintage dress, or a dress that cannot be found in popular prom dress stores. Individuals can also borrow the prom dress of a sibling, cousin, friend, or family member. This also saves money, while carrying on tradition. If you decide to wear a used prom dress, you can get that perfect fit through tailoring. Purchasing a used dress is an affordable option, and tailoring can make the dress look like it was made for your body. Learn more about how Oak Neck Cleaners can alter your prom dress by reading on.

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Spring is Here! Store Away Your Winter Clothes with These Tips.

Spring is finally here, which means it’s time to transition to your lighter clothing and store away your heavier clothes. Winter clothing is typically bulkier and harder to store than other seasonal clothing because it’s designed to keep you warm. If you want to store your winter clothing, but don’t know how, continue reading this blog post.

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